I should be writing but…

I’m making videos.  With my book deadline looming next month, I’m writing too, but the thing about making movies once you’ve got some of the right gear is that it’s really addictive.  Even worse than Facebook!  The last couple of years in my travels with wildlife I’ve been filming in high definition on my Canon SLR 600D.  Now with a refurbished Mac Air that comes with iMovie thanks to my lovely hubby I could waste untold hours of my days creating stories from all these trips – it’s just so much fun!  The trick is to keep them short – under two minutes is my goal – so that people with short attention spans (which is most people these days) will actually watch them.  Over the coming months/years I’m going to be producing what I call The Tam Tales – lots of short videos about wildlife and other cool stuff I spot on my travels.  Here’s the first one, based on the Humani School project in Zimbabwe.  Click here to watch it.


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